Fungi: Web of Life + Recorded Q&A

Fungi: Web of Life + Recorded Q&A

Currently Showing

Past Screenings

  • Sat 18 May 2024 @ 7:00 PM
  • Duration: 41 minutes
  • Director: Gisela Kaufmann, Joseph Nizeti
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Year: 2023
  • Rating: (U)

Fungi: Web of Life + Recorded Q&A

  • Duration: 41 minutes
  • Director: Gisela Kaufmann, Joseph Nizeti
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Year: 2023
  • Rating: (U)

Much of life on Earth is connected by a vast, hidden network that we are only just beginning to understand. Out of sight, between the world of plants and animals, another world exists—the kingdom of fungi.

Fungi: Web of Life, shot mostly in time-lapse, is presented by microbiologist Dr. Merlin Sheldrake, author of Entangled Life, and narrated by the Icelandic singer Björk, laying bare how essential fungi is to the world we live in and how little we know about mycelial life. 

Join the acclaimed British biologist Merlin Sheldrake on a quest to find an incredibly precious blue mushroom, against the backdrop of Tasmania’s ancient Tarkine rainforest. Merlin will show us some the grandest and strangest organisms ever discovered, showcased through jaw-dropping time-lapse cinematography, in a landscape largely unchanged from the time of the dinosaurs. Fungi have important lessons to teach humanity about survival through cooperation. Indeed, these incredible lifeforms may hold the key to solving some of humanity’s most urgent problems. With millions more species to discover, our journey into the secret world of fungi has only just begun.

Past Screenings

  • Sat 18 May 2024 @ 7:00 PM