Black Samphire + Q&A

Black Samphire + Q&A

Currently Showing

Past Screenings

  • Thu 13 Jun 2024 @ 7:00 PM
  • Duration: 100 minutes
  • Director: Alexander Vanegas Sus
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Year: 2024
  • Rating: (15)

Black Samphire + Q&A

  • Duration: 100 minutes
  • Director: Alexander Vanegas Sus
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Year: 2024
  • Rating: (15)

Lean and lithe, short films enjoy a privileged relationship to environmental filmmaking. By design, time is of the essence, much like our relationship to the climate crisis. 

For this event we are thrilled to be joined by Silicon Gothic (Cathy Wippell and Joseph Archer), whose stories are committed to making ‘often indescribable modern monsters’ entertaining and accessible. In awakening such monsters onscreen, they hope also to awaken audiences. In their most recent short film, Black Samphire, featuring Stephen Fry and executive produced by River Action, the monster is all too familiar: our polluted waterways. The film will be screened alongside other haunting delights, and Cathy and Joseph will also discuss their current practice and future ambitions. 

Also screening: 

Pumzi (Wanuri Kahiu, 2009) 

Solastalgia (Violeta Mora, 2022) 

This event is part of the ‘Water and World Cinema’ film season dedicated to local, national, and international bodies of water and inspired by the intense reporting on these waterways in the UK press. The film season is generously sponsored by NTU’s Institute for Knowledge Exchange.

Past Screenings

  • Thu 13 Jun 2024 @ 7:00 PM